June marks the beginning of Pride Month.
Pride in diversity, pride in who you are, pride in who we can be.
At The Henka Institute we love these lyrics by Lady Gaga,
“Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses, because we were born this way.”

Diversity and Inclusion
What exactly is Diversity and Inclusion (DI)? Diversity is how we differentiate people and groups from one another. Inclusion is enabling people to feel valued for their individual characteristics and to feel a sense of belonging.
When we apply this to the workplace, an organization's procedures should reflect inclusion to support a diverse workforce. But not just its procedures need to be considered. People, backgrounds and culture all play a part in our perceptions and bias.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
When it comes to diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias plays a very large part. There have been many in-depth studies uncovering and researching unconscious bias and subtle discriminatory behaviour.
However, training against biases does not have a history of long-term success. It has remained unclear, until recently, what is most effective in garnering workplace diversity and inclusion.
Even if we use a methodical approach to scientific research, establishing 'best practice' is challenging since context and culture must be taken into account. The good news is that there is a better way to go about things.
Inclusive Leadership
We are living in a time when organisational and cultural dynamics are altering. Today there is more need to connect with people, to foster dialogue and to take pride in our diversity. There is more need to develop managers and leaders who can create an environment where individuals and teams can be creative, authentic, and work in a safe setting.
Because it is empowering and leader-focused, a coaching approach to inclusive leadership development frames the conversation differently than standard training. Leaders as coach discover their own answers to workplace difficulties. They create their own personal goals and learn to build capability rather than rely on others.
Pride in Diversity
Leaders are the ones who make diverse and inclusive environments possible. The first transformation, however, must take place on the inside. Leaders must have a better understanding to rise to the challenge.
We take pride in diversity and have researched the power coaching can have on inclusion and have had the great pleasure of including some of the world’s leading Inclusive Leaders on our programmes, including the incredible Pips Bunce.
I talked with Pips on my Flex and the City Podcast. She is one of the most genuine, humble, kind, perceptive, and passionate leaders I have met.
Listen to the Flex and the City podcast here:
An ICF Accredited Programme can help Leaders, Organisations and Teams to increase and sustain performance in their businesses.
If you would like to know more or sign up: Certified Inclusive Leadership Coach